Welcome to the European Citizens' Initiative: Food is a Human Right for All!

The access to adequate, safe, sustainable and nutritious food is a fundamental human right. However, it is not yet the case in the European Union. The ECI on the Right to Food aims to change this and make this right a reality for everyone in the EU. By supporting our initiative, you are taking a stand against food insecurity and unfair food systems, and advocating for a just and sustainable food system for Europe.

Why the Right to Food Matters

In Europe, millions of people struggle with food insecurity. Many more cannot afford a healthy and adequate diet. Moreover, farmers and food workers cannot make a living, and sustainability is often compromised because of lack of political will and resources. At the same time, few actors along the chain and few investors accumulate huge profits out of small-scale producers, unhealthy diets and speculation.


The Right to Food initiative seeks to address these urgent issues by demanding that the EU finally adopts policies that ensure the transition to agroecological food systems where everyone has access to sufficient, safe, sustainable, fair and nutritious food. Our goals include:

  • Raising awareness about food insecurity and unsustainable food systems in Europe.

  • Advocating for stronger food policies at the European level.

  • Mobilizing citizens to support the right to food as a basic human right.

Ways to Support the ECI Right to Food

  • Join the Right to Food Coalition: We call upon civil society organizations and NGOs to join us in forming the Right to Food Coalition. Together, we can sustain this ECI and amplify our collective voice for lasting change. By collaborating, sharing resources, and advocating together, we can ensure the right to food becomes a reality for everyone in Europe. Contact us to learn how your organization can be part of this vital coalition.

  • Donate: Your financial contributions help us fund our campaigns and advocacy efforts.

  • Share Your Story: Personal experiences can powerfully illustrate the importance of our cause.

  • Engage with Us on Social Media: Follow us on our social media channels to stay updated and participate in our online community.

Get Involved and Make a Difference

Your support is crucial in helping us achieve our goals. Here’s how you can get involved:

  • Sign Up for our newsletter to stay informed about our progress and upcoming events.

  • Spread the Word by sharing our initiative with your friends and family.

Together, we can create a future where the right to food is guaranteed for everyone in Europe.

Good Food for All

Let’s stay connected

We would love to hear from you! Whether you have questions, suggestions, or want to get involved, your input is invaluable to us. Please fill out the form below, and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.